Saturday, January 29, 2011

back in the saddle

new words

that's what I'm doing today, or rather, trying to do

so far, I like my beginning, but, it's figuring out where to go from there that has me sitting in my chair, listening to the coffee pot percolating and to the sounds of change clinking in the dryer instead of thinking of new words to WRITE

listening has its benefits though...just yesterday my daughter told me about a dream she had where it "rained leaves" in her words

that gave me an idea and that idea has almost become a paragraph now and who knows, it might evolve into a short or even a longer work

still, it's putting the thought onto the page that I'm working on and today it is proving more than difficult

THIS is the start and it's where I'm already stuck:

Silverware was what you left until the end, in case you had to eat take out in a hurry while the movers loaded your furniture. At least that’s what Liza’s mom always told her in each and every one of their moves. Twelve of them to be exact. The last one, from Fort Rucker to Eglin. Alabama to Florida but Air Force Bases in the Southeast were pretty much the same. The process is what made it monotonous. Paper trails with no ends.

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